Hello everyone!
In my first post I listed some health benefits that I've experienced as a result of eating raw/vegan. I forgot to list a few and wanted to pass these along.
I experience clearer skin. (I never had acne as a teenager but as an adult I was hit "from the blind side". Some of you may know what I'm talking about.)
My eyesight improved.
My menstrual cramps virtually went away.
Headaches are extremely rare now.
I'm much more calm, things tend to just roll off my back now. Not that this was a huge problem before, but let's just say my insides are getting happier!
My depression is less and less. I don't need my "happy light" anymore! (Anybody need one?)
The biggest surprise was when I'm out in the woods in the summertime bugs used to feast on me no matter how many "chemical or natural" bug repellents I wore. In fact, I usually wear a bug net (it's a great look too!) Since changing my lifestyle to raw/vegan bugs hardly bother me anymore. Whether this is a coincidence or not--I don't care! It's working!
I used to slather on the sunblock like there was no tomorrow (SPF 45 or higher--Larry Bird is my mentor) now I really don't need it. I do wear a hat and sunglasses and if it's really bright/sunny I'll wear my sun protective clothing but I really feel more in tune with nature and my body.
Tons of energy--sometimes I don't know what to do with myself! I'm actually getting back to my home improvement projects slowly and doing some deep cleaning and organizing of my house which feels really good!
The slight drawback is I've had to get smaller clothes and I need to have my wedding ring re-sized to a smaller fit. Currently I'm wearing it on my middle finger which can look a little different (what will the neighbors say?).
I have had weight fluctuations throughout the years gaining and losing 20-30 pounds (sometimes more) with 2 pregnancies, and life (up until now I tended to be an emotional eater--I know, it's something that I also like to do when I'm bored or tired--now you know all my secrets!) and had just resigned myself to the fact that no matter how much effort I put in this was as good as it was going to get. People would say it came with the territory of getting older--now I'm fighting back--gently and calmly--and winning!
Overall: I really love this lifestyle that Heavenly Father and my body has directed me to. I have not looked back.
I really feel that as I learn better, I do better. This has been, and continues to be a journey of self discovery. My body is smart and has the answers, I just need to listen more closely and heed what it's telling me. And it's all about God. He helps me every minute of every day in my efforts to take care of this incredible body He's given me. I'm Just Thankful! Peace and love to you all....Julie
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